About Us

The District of New Jersey’s Board of Judges has approved the ​opening of a food pantry that will be named in honor of ​Judge Salas’s son, Daniel Anderl. This pantry, which will be ​known as “Danny’s Pantry,” was established in remembrance ​of the fourth anniversary of Daniel’s tragic death. To transform ​sorrow into positivity, the District Court has established this ​pantry to assist the many families in need who come through ​our court doors. Participants in our Pretrial Opportunity ​Program and ReNew Program and others served by this court ​may obtain food staples donated to the pantry by the federal ​court family. The pantry will alleviate the burdens faced by ​many poverty-stricken families and individuals and connect ​the Court to the surrounding community. In a time of much ​controversy and strife, it brings Danny’s parents great joy to ​know that our Court is spreading light and love to the ​community it serves.

Pictured: Judge Esther Salas, Mark ​Anderl, and Daniel Anderl

Photo Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions

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Loose Doodle Woman Picking Up After Her Pet
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Loose Doodle Man and Woman Holding Animal Rights Placards
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Who do I make a ​chec​k out to?

Checks payable to: Renew ​ReEntry Program, Inc. c/o ​Gibb​ons P.C.

Where should I ​physically send ​the c​heck?

Ricardo Solano Jr.

c/o Gibbons P.C.

One Gateway Center

21st Fl

Newark, NJ 07102

Where do I send / ​leave donation ​items?

If you are shpping items, please ​send them to 50 Walnut Street, ​Newark, NJ 07102. You can also ​select items using the Amazon ​wish list or leave items in the ​donation bin in the lobby on the ​first floor of the court house.

What are the hours ​of operation?

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 11 AM-5 PM

Wednesday: 11 AM-5 PM

Thursday: 11 AM-5 PM

Friday: Closed

Food donation box illustration

Danny’s Pantry


Danny’s Pantry


Contact ​Information

50 Walnut St

Newark, NJ 07102
